Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog Monday: Aroma Therapy.

My four favorite aromas/smells.

1. Getting off the plane in Orlando. Headed to Disney. It's kinda hard to put this smell into any type of grammatical description. But if you're a Stolman, you know what I'm talking about.

2. Channel Chance. It's my staple perfume. Although I've strayed to try some different fragrances, I always go back to this one. It's just THAT good.

3. Popcorn. Who doesn't love the smell of popcorn? It's just buttery and sweet and makes you want to curl up in front of a good movie and devour the whole bag.

4. A freshly bathed dog. I think the value of this smell is relative to the smell of the pup before the bath. But for at least 24 hours, that clean dog is welcome on my lap every minute. But let's be honest...she really always is.

blessed by Channel.


  1. Wait! Can I just tell you how excited I am to see that this blog is getting some lovin' from you! I would always check....just hoping there would be a post.

    I am so excited to read it every week!

    peace. love. miss you so so so so so much.

  2. mmm. good smells! I know that vacation smell. it's paired with a feel, no? like that feeling of cold being warmed by humid air :)so good Nov-April :)

    and wait. clean pup! you would have been cracking up at dasha sitting on MY LAP Sunday afternoon in the car.

    Blessed by lap dogs
