Monday, June 7, 2010

Blog:Monday - Reasons to Smile.


Topic: What are 4 things that made you smile today?

Today was an atypical Monday for me. After spending the weekend in the Detroit area to throw a surprise 60th birthday party for my dad on Saturday, Bry and I decided to take Monday (today) off and stay an extra day with the family on the East side. This allowed us to not be rushed to drive back on Sunday evening and also to spend all of Monday with our two nephews at my parent's house. Thus, the fact that I did not work today AND got to spend 12 hours with my nephews gave me lots to smile about. Here are a few specific moments.

1. The routine conversation that I have had at least once over each of the last 4 days with my one and a half year old nephew, Andrew. It goes something like this.
Me: Andrew, has anyone ever told you how cute you are?
Andrew: (Major head nod) ((he's not much of a talker quite yet))
Me: Okay, good. just checking.

2. Watching my three and a half nephew, Isaac, hunt for bad guys with my two friends, Em M. and Em S., who came to visit. After his second round of bad-guy-hunting with Em. S., I asked him how it went. Isaac said "Good! We found tails." And Em S. just laughed.

3. Playing baseball with Isaac and Bryan on the grass in the front yard. We had our socks and shoes off, Olive was on her lead playing (or demolishing) baseballs hit her way, and we were just enjoying a fine summer day in America.

4. Arriving back at our house tonight and feeling glad to be home. Walking in the door to see a note that my little brother left for us as a surprise, seeing Olive be happy to see some of her toys that we left behind, getting to write in my blog, and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight!

blessed by my family and friends.


  1. I love when we get to be a part of each others smiles. How about when BAN stuck his whole arm in that tube of those baby puff snacks? (smile).

  2. Cute blog!! I remember Sarah telling me about it--so glad I found it!

  3. WOW! not one thing mentioned about your little brother coming home from a different state and staying for a long weekend.....OUCH
